The Chopper Directory 

Your online directory for custom chopper builders, dealers, custom motorcycles, parts and apparel.


Have Your Business Website Listed For Free,
then become a Premire Member and get these added features.

Always check if you are already listed by going to these pages, state or city.

Use the form below to add your website to The Chopper Directory.
Only select categories that relate to your business and are found on your website.

Please add "The Chopper Directory" to your links or banner page.

  Business Information *required
* Business:
* Address:
* City:
* Zip:
* Phone:
Toll Free:
* Email:
*Password:   must contain 8 characters, 1 number, 1 uppercase letter and 1 lowercase letter
*Confirm Password:
Businesses that are on "Facebook, Blogs or other social networks" will not be approved. Must have a website to be included in this directory.
Chopper Directory wants to make this directory accurate as possible for your business and for people looking for chopper related items, so please choose your categories carefully. Don't select "Parts" unless you sell them on your site. Don't select "Dealers" unless you sell bikes, not just paint them or sell parts. Don't select "Events" unless you put on the event, not simply attend them. Only select items that are "Listed" on your website.
Apparel - Kids Apparel

Apparel - Mens Apparel

Apparel - Womens Apparel

Choppers - All

Choppers - Builders

Choppers - Chopper Kits

Choppers - Dealers

Choppers - Finishes

Choppers - Trikes

Parts - Accessories

Parts - Brakes

Parts - Carburetor and Intake

Parts - Clutch

Parts - Dash and Gauges

Parts - Driveline

Parts - Electrical

Parts - Engine

Parts - Exhaust

Parts - Fenders

Parts - Foot Controls and Pegs

Parts - Forks and Suspension

Parts - Frames

Parts - Gas Tanks

Parts - Handlebars and Controls

Parts - Lighting

Parts - Luggage and Seats

Parts - Oil Tanks and Accessories

Parts - Tires and Wheels

Parts - Tools and Equipment

Parts - Transmissions

Services - Business Services

Services - Event Promoters

(your listing will be displayed when approved by our staff)